Medication is very much individual to each person’s body. Please consult with a medical practitioner for professional and personal advice.
It is also recommended that you consult with your medical professional well in advance of your travel, to check if you require any pre-travel vaccinations, depending on your destination country/countries.
As an indication only, below is the list of travel remedies that we carry when we travel.
- Nodia: for when your stomach decides to throw a party and you didn’t RSVP (diarrhoea and stomach cramps).
- Quickeze / Mylanta: Because even stomachs need a little R&R sometimes.
- Gastrolyte sachets: For rehydration when you’ve been sweating like a marathon runner and need to rehydrate like a champ.
- Razene: antihistamine tablets for mild allergic reactions, like when your body mistakes pollen for a personal attack.
- Panadol (Pamol/Paracetamol): for mild pain relief. The Swiss Army Knife of pain relief-good for everything from headaches to heartaches.
- Neurofen (Ibuprofen): for muscle pain relief. When your muscles are staging a protest and you need to negotiate a ceasefire.
- Bactroban / Foban: topical antibiotic for cuts & injuries – by prescription only. Because sometimes life cuts you deep, and you need more than just a band aid and a pep talk.
- Micreme: topical antifungal, for when your skin decides to throw its own version of a rave (rashes).
- Bandaids: Sticking plasters in various sizes, because life’s little boo-boo’s deserve a fancy dress too.
- Dettol: Antiseptic cream for when you need to evict those pesky germs that crashed the party uninvited.
- Bushmans: Insect spray or cream, because mosquitos and midgies have the tendency to crash outdoor events like they own the place.
- Sting Eze: Topical antihistamine for bites, stings, nettles. When nature decides to play a practical joke and you end up being the punchline.
- Sea Legs: Travel sickness tablet for when the journey gets a little too wavy and you start feeling like a character in “The Poseidon Adventure”.
- Hand sanitizer: A must-have for germaphobes and those who believe cleanliness is next to, well, everything.
- Antiseptic wipes: For those times when you need to give germs a swift kick in the behind.
- Small packet of tissues: Because you never know when you’ll need to stage and emergency tissue parade.
- Sun block / sunscreen: Because sunburn is not a souvenir you want to bring back from your trip.
- Doxycycline tablets (broad spectrum antibiotic tablets) – by prescription only. Also used to prevent Malaria. When you’re not just fighting off souvenirs, but potential tropical invaders too!