3 ways to end your trip before its even started- Convictions, Fines & Contagious Diseases.

Criminal convictions: If you have a criminal record, there is a high probability that you will need a visa to jet-set around the globe. Please ensure that you get clearance to travel to all countries BEFORE you buy your travel arrangements, as you may be refused entry. Your Travel Insurance will not cover cancellation due to criminal convictions or outstanding fines.


Outstanding fines: Did you forget to pay your parking ticket, or is your library book overdue by a decade? You better check before you head to the airport, or you might end up grounded faster than a paper plane in a hurricane. If you have outstanding fines, you could be stopped from travelling. To check this please call Ph 0800PAYORSTAY (PH 0800 729 677) or visit www.payorstay.govt.nz


Contagious disease: Got a case of the sniffles or something more serious? Some countries want a doctor’s note before they let you through the gates. It’s like needing a permission slip for the world’s biggest field trip. Make sure your passport isn’t spreading more than just wanderlust!


Oh my gosh, we all had a fantastic day out. Thank you so much. I really didn’t expect to like all those weird and wonderful snacks during the "Curious Food Train" activity, and didn’t think they would all participate. The staff all keep thanking us for such a great day. Looking forward to next years event!